Updated: February 12, 2023

Console Setup

If the console text is too small or large, you can change the default font and size.

If the /etc/default/console-setup.conf file is not present:

apt install console-setup

Find and change to the two lines in /etc/default/console-setup to:


For avaialbe fonts and font-sizes, see Reference [2].

Accordinbg to Reference [1], you can also use the systemd method and modify /etc/vconsole.conf. However, the referenced file, /etc/vconsole.conf, is not present in the Raspberry Pi OS or the minimum install of "Debian on the Raspberry Pi Hardware" [3].

I do not know how the font size in the minimum install of "Debian on Raspberry Pi hardware" [3] is handled. There is no /etc/default/console-setup file nor /etc/vconsole.conf file. However, it does a good job of selecting the font size. I need to investigate this further.


  1. How to Change Your Linux Console Fonts - Jan 4, 2018.
  2. Debian man page for console-setup.
  3. Debian on Raspberry Pi Hardware