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Updated on 1/1/2025

Fedora Asahi Remix

Asahi has partnered with Fedora to run Linux (Fedora Asahi Remix) on M1, M2 and M3 Apple computers.

To install Fedora 40:

curl https://alx.sh | sh

Reference: Introducing Fedora Asahi Remix - The most polished Linux® for Apple Silicon Macs.

Installing Nordvpn

The same procedure for installing Nordvpn on a Raspberry Pi also works here:

sh <(curl -sSf https://downloads.nordcdn.com/apps/linux/install.sh)


Vi Improved, Vim, is not installed by default. Install it:

sudo dnf install vim

Create and install a vim runtime configuration file in your home directory. My ".vimrc" file is:

set pastetoggle=<F2>
set showmode
set number
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set expandtab
set autoindent
set wrap
set linebreak
set mouse=a
filetype plugin indent on
let g:html_indent_inctags="html,head,body,style"
syntax on

Network Attached Storge

Set the setuid flag on the following:

sudo chmod u+s /bin/mount
sudo chmod u+s /bin/umount
sudo chmod u+s /usr/sbin/mount.cifs

Add a mount statement to your /etc/fstab file. For example:

//NAS_IP/Shared_Folder /media/mounting-point-directory cifs username=NAS_user_name,noauto,users,vers=3.0,rw 0 0

Note the "noauto". Hence, you must manually mount the network attached storage:

mount /media/mounting-point-directory

Also note that the password was not included in the fstab statement. Hence, you will be prompted for the password when you manually mount the drive.


On Fedora 40 - Asahi Remix, the SSH Server (ssh daemon) does not start up at boot. This may be a good thing since this is running on a MacBook Air M2, and you usually do not want someone logging into a laptop. However, for testing purposes, you want it enable.

To determine if the SSH Server is currently running:

sudo systemctl status sshd.service

To enable the SSH Server for the current session:

sudo systemctl start sshd.service

To stop the SSH Server:

sudo systemctl stop sshd.service


  1. Fedora 40 User Docs - OpenSSH
  2. How to install, start and connect to SSH Server on Fedora Linux
  3. Configuring Fedora Linux Remote Access using SSH

VNC Client

Fedora Asahi Remix does come with a vnc compatible client, KRDC.


TigerVNC for Fedora-Asahi-Remix is a polished, complied program unlike the Raspberry Pi version that ran in Java.

To install the viewer:

sudo dnf install vncviewer

To run it from the GUI, just enter the IP address of the server. It will prompt you for a user_name and password.

The best I can determine, it sends the user_name and password over the LAN in plan text!

For a secure connection, you need to first establish a ssh tunnel:

ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 user_name@Server_IP_Address

Then run the GUI, but for the server enter:


Now everything that goes to localhost:5900 is sent to user_name@Server_IP_address:5900.

In order to establish the secure tunnel, I had to boot without autoconnect Nordvpn enabled.

KRDC Authenication

Fedora Asahi Remix come with a vnc compatible client, KRDC (K Remote Desktop Computer). However at the present, KRDC and wayvnc do not have a compatible authentication method.

You can make it work by disabling authentication. In /etc/wayvnc/config set authentication to false:


However, this allows anyone to login without a user name or password.

You could create an SSH secure tunnel, but you would also have to do this on any clients that were running the RealVNC viewer.

KRDC Communication Speed

Select the medium speed connection. Selecting the high speed connection causes the screen to tear on my MacBook Air M2 over WiFi.


  1. Jack Wallen (zdnet writer) - How to connect to VNC using SSH
  2. RealVNC - Connecting to WayVNC on a Raspberry Pi device running Wayland using RealVNC Viewer

Filezilla - SFTP Client

To install Filezilla:

sudo dnf install filezilla

Video Player VLC

Fedora 40 does not come with a pre-installed video player.

Before you can install VLC, you have to add and enable the RPM Fusion repository:

sudo dnf install https://mirrors.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

Then install VLC:

sudo dnf install vlc


  1. It's FOSS - How to Install VLC on Fedora Linux
  2. How To Install Multimedia Codecs In Fedora Linux


25+ dnf command examples in Linux [Cheat Sheet]