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FireX - Smoke Alarm - Model FADC #5000

The FireX Model FADC item #5000 does not have a stand-alone horn with a piezoelectric disc inside the horn. The grill opening on the faceplate is the horn opening. On the backside of the grill opening, there is a cylinder that acts as the horn cavity. Pressed against the open end of the cylinder is the metal side of a Piezoelectric disc. The electrical connections to the etched side of the piezoelectric disc are via spring metallic pins on the printed circuit board. See the photos below.

The Model FADC #5000 was introduced in 1999 and was still being manufactured in September of 2006 (perhaps later). Kiddie purchased FireX from Invensys Controls in 2007; Invensys Controls purchased FireX from the Maple Chase Company in late 1999 or 2000.

FDAC #5000 Data Sheet

FDAC #5000 User's Manual

For Maximum Resolution, Click on the Body of the Picture.

Front of FireX Model FADC #5000
Front of FireX Model FADC #5000.
Back of FireX Model FADC #5000
Back of FireX Model FADC #5000.
Tag on Back of FireX Model FDAC #5000
Tag on Back of FireX Model FDAC #5000.
Piezoelectric Disc Seperated fro PC Board
The Piezoelectric Disc Connects via Spring Metal Pins.
Pins that connect to Piezoelectric Disc
Spring Metal Pins that connect to Piezoelectric Disc.
Piezoelectric Disc and Horn
The Piezo Disc sits on Top of the Horn via 3 Guide Post.
Assembled Piezoelectric Disc and Horn
Piezoelectric Disc and Horn when Fully Assembled.
Diameter of Piezoelectric Disc
The Diameter of the Piezoelectric Disc is 1-3/8 inches.
Front of Printed Circuit Board - FireX Model FDAC #5000
Front of Printed Circuit Board - FireX Model FDAC #5000.
Back of Printed Circuit Board - FireX Model FDAC #5000
Back of Printed Circuit Board - FireX Model FDAC #5000.
Hieght of Ionization Chamber - FireX Model FDAC #5000
Height of the Ionization Chamber - FireX Model FDAC #5000.
Diameter of Ionization Chamber - FireX Model FDAC #5000
Diameter of the Ionization Chamber - FireX FDAC #5000.